A place for learning & growing at Roscoe Wilson Elementary
The Magic Garden is a school and community garden at Roscoe Wilson.
Our goal is to involve every student in planting, growing, and harvesting throughout the year. Come get your hands dirty with us!
Find out what’s growing!
Curious what we have growing this year? See something in the garden and wonder what it was? Find out right here!
Want to learn how to compost?
The Magic Garden composts year round! We recycle lots of garden waste, lunch leftovers, old homework papers and used coffee grounds, to name just a few items. If you use it in your day, chances are, you can compost it! We have a detailed sign by our bins that shows you how!

The lesson I have thoroughly learnt, and wish to pass on to others, is to know the enduring happiness that the love of a garden gives.
– Gertrude Jekyll
Let’s grow a better world, together.
If you want to get your hands dirty with us and share your own gardening knowledge, or just be kept up to date with what we are doing, sign up below!